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"How does social responsibility forward the profitability of my business?"

By: Rob Jordan

A profitable business must consistently be looking for ways to increase profitability. With a little effort “Corporate Social Responsibility” is ideal in this capacity.  Profit gifting (Equity); Product discounts (Product); Staff volunteering and charity events (Time) are all examples of corporate social responsibility and relatively easy to implement. Outcomes you can expect when you leverage corporate social responsibility:

Enhanced Productivity: Staff feel vested and loyal toward companies that dedicate profitability to the community. 

Added Product Value: When given the choice between two equal products a consumer will choose a product that contributes to society rather than one that contributes solely to a shareholder.

Reduce Bottom Line Cost: As a certified socially responsible organization such as one that is B Corp certified (look it up) your company is eligible for discounts on technologies (i.e.

Promote the Business: Each effort toward goodwill is a message to the community that your business stands for something other than profit.  Word gets around and that word is your brand.

Corporate Social Responsibility does not mean charity, it means “Doing well while doing good”. Leverage this for the betterment of your business and your community. 




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