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One Thing You Can Do to Start a Recurring Revenue Program Today

By: Kirsten Kippen


This week we partnered with Classy and UpRaise Consulting on a webinar on how to Ramp Up Your Recurring Revenue Program. Classy shared pages of impressive statistics on how recurring revenue can exponentially increase donation revenue. At the end I asked our presenters one simple question:

If you could tell nonprofits to do one thing to kickstart a recurring donations program today, what would it be?


Here's what they said:

Start small, and make a list of your top supporters. Give those people a call (or have your board members/volunteers call them) and have a conversation. You’ll want to ask whether they want to be more involved, if they would be interested in making recurring gifts, and what they would want in return in terms of accountability or gifts. Start by just gathering some initial data, then make the ask in a few weeks.

Watch the full webinar and learn more tips from our experts here.


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