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Six Great Resources on the Salesforce NPSP 3.0

By: idealconsult

The Salesforce Nonprofit Starter Pack 3.0 (formerly known as Cumulus) has now been publicly released and is developing a huge fan base already - folks are loving the household account model, address processing, and smooth upgrade process. Here are some resources if you want to upgrade or learn more:

1. The Nonprofit Starter Pack Hub group: this should be your first stop for all documentation and questions. This group is monitored daily for questions and issues.

2. NPSP FAQs: What’s new, Why should I upgrade, and more.

3. How to upgrade/install: This post has lots of helpful basic info. If you are an active client of ours, please reach out and we can help you through this process.

4. What's new with NPSP 3.0 Office Hours Recording with Kevin Bromer, one of the creators

5. What is an Account Model?: Describes the Household account model (the preferred model for NPSP 3.0) and how this is different from the 1-to-1 and Bucket models - very useful info if you are considering migrating.

6. Knowledge Articles: These are expanding each day - check out Convert a Lead to a Contact and Specify a Preferred Phone Number and Email Address for a Contact by our very own Mike Smith.

Have you seen other helpful documentation on NPSP 3.0? Let us know in comments and stay tuned for more upcoming posts on the NPSP as well as roundCause.

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